
Fabien Guillemarre

Fabien Guillemarre - France - Horse Driving / GUILLEMARRE Fabien, FRA, CAI3 & CAN Horst NED 16 04 16, Horse Pair, Marathon Ob 5

Fabien Guillemarre

Fabien Guillemarre

Fabien Fleurisson

Fabien Fleurisson is a showjumping rider from France.

Source of equestrian news and information! International news, results, reports, features, exclusive interviews, action photos, audio clips & video clips. Show jumping, Dressage, and Three Day Eventing

Fabien Duranton

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Fabien Gonzalez

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Fabien Godelle

Fabien Godelle - France - Dressage Rider Fabien Godelle

Fabien Rulquin

Fabien Rulquin - France - Showjumping Rider Fabien Rulquin

Fabien Glanard

Fabien Glanard - France - Eventing

Fabien Ferre

Fabien Ferre - France - Showjumping Rider

Fabien Ehrhart

Fabien Ehrhart - France - Showjumping Rider Fabien Ehrhart

Fabien Desclaux

Fabien Desclaux - France - Eventing

Fabien Affentranger

Fabien Affentranger - Switzerland - Showjumping Rider

Fabien Sposito

Fabien Sposito - France - Showjumping Rider

Fabien Dubreucq

Fabien Dubreucq - France - Showjumping Rider Fabien Dubreucq

Fabien Acide

Fabien Acide - France

Lily Produces Gorgie Boy by McCartney`s Highland Prince

Sonneco (which means `Gold` in Romany) is our foundation broodmare. She is a traditional gypsy cob mare with exceptional gypsy breeding. She has been line bred through generations and has some very famous close relatives... - Moudlings Old Black Horse, Allcocks Black Horse, Lop Earred Horse, Paddy Horse and Long Mane Mare. We have been very fortunate to purchase a mare of this quality as they rarely come on the market as the influential breeders that breed them generally keep them. We have much to thank Steve and Julie of The McCartney Stud in Devon for acquiring her for us.

Dixie Loves to Party & is YEARLING NCT of the Year

Fabien Beaubay Souque

Fabien Beaubay Souque - France - Eventing

Fabien Aubisson

Fabien Aubisson - France - Eventing

Fabien Debost

Fabien Debost - France - Showjumping Rider Fabien Debost

Fabien Mortier

Fabien Mortier - France - Showjumping Rider Fabien Mortier

Fabien Mosseron

Fabien Mosseron - France - Showjumping Rider

Fabien Rivera

Fabien Rivera - France - Eventing

Fabien Lasbouygues

Fabien Lasbouygues - France - Showjumping RiderFabien Lasbouygues

Fabien Navarre

Fabien Navarre - France - Eventing